CrossFit Journal 2021

CrossFit Workout for Wed August 25, 2021


1 set of max strict pull-ups


A) Dead Stop Deadlifts
5×4 @ 60%
1 min. Rest
B) Touch-and-Go Deadlifts
5×4 @ 65%

Boat Shoes (Time)

For Time:
1,500 Meter Row
1,200 Meter Run

Rest 3 Minutes

1,000 Meter Row
800 Meter Run

Rest 3 Minutes

500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run

Score overall time w/rest


Pull-Ups: 10
Deadlift: 5 x 4 @ 200 lbs
Boat Shoes: 30:51

For my deadlift I got some excellent coaching from some class members because my form on my descent wasn’t the best. I was bending my knees first instead of putting my hips back first and then and only then bending my knees once the bar reached my knees. This is definitely something I’m going to keep working on especially at a lighter weight now that I actually know what I was doing wrong.