
I use the git cli every single day for my source code management needs. Sometimes I forget how to do certain things with git or I just haven’t automated it yet, so I’m writing it all down so that I have something to easily refer to:

Squash all commits on a branch

git reset $(git merge-base main $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD))


Get the number of commits added to your branch

git rev-list --count main..


Squash and merge your X latest commits

git reset --soft HEAD~3 && 
git commit --edit -m"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})"


Create a repo on GitHub

gh repo create <name> --private

create a repo on github and push current changes

gh repo create <name> --private --push --source .

Merging in a branch with lots of commits without a merge commit

git merge --squash v1.0
git commit

Delete a remote branch

git push origin --delete branch-name

Delete local branch

git branch -D branch-name

Show diff of last commit

git show

Undo a git add

git reset <file>


Undo changes to a single file

git checkout <file>


Undo changes to a single file from a specific commit

git checkout <commit>~1 -- <file>

the ~1 means in will checkout out the file in the commit right before the specified commit.


Undo changes to all unstaged files

This was the initial way I removed all my unstaged files:

git diff --name-only | xargs -n1 git checkout

but a much better way is:

git restore .


Create a PR

gh pr create --fill

Create a draft PR

gh pr create --fill --draft

Create a PR with a different base branch

gh pr create --base <base> --fill

Fetch a remote branch

I often have my own remote separate from origin that I need to pull a branch from.

git fetch <remote> <rbranch>:<lbranch>
git checkout <lbranch>


Change/Amend last commit message

Sometimes you notice a typo in your commit message after generating a PR or looking at it on GitHub. If it’s not too late you can fix your commit message and then force push it up.

git commit --amend

Search commit messages

git log --grep=<regex>

Disable LEFTHOOK checks

Sometimes you just want to save your work no matter what state it is in

git commit --no-verify

View your remote branches

On you can view your branches on a repo by appending /yours to the branches url.

List files changed in a branch

I often resume working on a branch, but I don’t remember all the filenames I’ve been working on.

git diff --name-only main

Have vim open up all those files in tabs:

vim -p $(git diff --name-only main | tr '\n' ' ')

This appears to be more accurate if your working branch wasn’t just created off of the current main branch state:

vim -p $(git diff --name-only HEAD~$(git rev-list --count main..) | tr '\n' ' ')

And this one appears to accomplish the same thing with a single git command

git log --oneline --pretty="format:" --name-only main..

all together now:

vim -p $(git log --oneline --pretty="format:" --name-only main..)

List remotes

Instead of using cat .git/config like an animal

git remote -v

Execute git command from a specific directory

I’ve been working on automating some tasks that pull down git repos along with various other git commands and rather than cd’ing into different directories you can just use the -C flag:

git -C /some/other/directory checkout main

I also use the ui quite a bit. Here are some useful URLs that you can adapt to your own repos.

List only your commits

See only your PRs

When merging an existing branch with uncommitted changes

You can use the --autostash flag instead of manually stashing and popping.

git merge --autostash