I’ll admit I’m a little obsessed with CrossFit at the moment and ever since I started doing CrossFit I’ve been eating a lot more food and trying my best to be healthy about it so that I can grow some muscle, specifically upper body muscle, so that I can do simple exercises like pull-ups and handstand push-ups. Working out every morning is definitely making my muscles sore, so there really isn’t too much more working out I really can do in order to increase strength, so when I’m not working out I thought I could focus on my eating.
I don’t really have specific goals for these next 30 days other than to not drink soda and to minimize processed foods that have a lot of sugar like white bread and cookies. Taking pictures of everything I eat will motivate me to not eat donuts and pizza cause I’ll feel pretty guilty posting pictures of them.
If you are enjoying this journey smash the button and if you have some good healthy food ideas please reply!