30 Day Food Log

I’ll admit I’m a little obsessed with CrossFit at the moment and ever since I started doing CrossFit I’ve been eating a lot more food and trying my best to be healthy about it so that I can grow some muscle, specifically upper body muscle, so that I can do simple exercises like pull-ups and handstand push-ups. Working out every morning is definitely making my muscles sore, so there really isn’t too much more working out I really can do in order to increase strength, so when I’m not working out I thought I could focus on my eating.

I don’t really have specific goals for these next 30 days other than to not drink soda and to minimize processed foods that have a lot of sugar like white bread and cookies. Taking pictures of everything I eat will motivate me to not eat donuts and pizza cause I’ll feel pretty guilty posting pictures of them.

If you are enjoying this journey smash the :heart: button and if you have some good healthy food ideas please reply!

This morning before my 6:15 AM #crossfit class I had an energy vitamin water

and after class I rewarded myself with a greek yogurt fruit smoothie with 44g protein:

50g protein

Update: Okay that didn’t work out so well and was way too thick and strong. I’ll have to use just one scoop next time.

My son didn’t finish his pb&j so I’m going to

39g protein.